I hope everyone didn't get 2 f*cked up, 'cause ya gotta go back 2 work on Monday!
Being that 2006 is here, I gotta say that I've enjoyed doing this blog. it's a great stress reliver from the sh*t @ work. Not all of the sh*t that goes on is bad though, & I'll b postin' more good stuff from my experiences as well as the bullsh*t.
I've been thinking of getting into photography this year, after all, I know plenty of strippers who want their pix taken. Maybe set up a portfolio or something. Maybe even shoot some amateur flix, or something...
We'll see.
I know I'm postin' this kinda late, but I did get alittle toasted last night (I took off.) & was in the bed until 5:00PM 2day (I didn't get 2 bed until 9:00 THIS MORNING!)

Noooo, not w/ her.
So in closing, I'll continue this blog 4 a long while, @ least until I get tired of it!
Until then, my New Year's Resolution is 2 get some more of THIS 4 the new year...

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